Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Motivation is such a hard thing to get sometimes you feel like it and sometimes you don't! I wanted to share with all of you what motivates me to workout but also just to get things done in life. You gotta do what you gotta do!

   1.) Find someone! I cannot stress this enough if I did not have someone to run with I would not go running half the time it is really the best motivator I have found!
   2.) Pinterest! This might seem a bite silly but I really do get motivated by looking at really fit girls working out on Pinterest, funny workout quotes or just someone saying really positive things. Here is my Pinterest for my fit girl board http://www.pinterest.com/bousfieldh/fit-girl/ I pin lots and lots of motivational stuff!
  3.) Positive People! Now these might not be people you workout with but if you have friends that you can talk to about what they are doing and what's working for them it can really help you stay on track.
 4.) Tone it up Community. Its free and it really great to see a bunch of girls checking in on how many miles they have done or what workout they did! I love it and everyone is really positive!
 5.)  Don't miss a Monday! I heard this somewhere and I have found it to be really true if you start your week out with exercise it just carries through the whole week with a positive course accordingly if you don't its very hard to get going later in the week! Don't miss a Monday.

Motivation can be found in people, places and things but one of the best ways to stay motivated is to stay connected. Follow Fit Girl! You will get little reminders to workout every time I post.

                           " Most people say motivation doesn't last.
                                    Well, neither does why we suggest it daily." - Zig Ziglar

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